Most home and small-office PCs use an
IDE hard drive and
have a PCI bus for
adding components to the computer. But a lot of computers, particularly
high-end workstations and older Apple Macintoshes, use the Small Computer
System Interface (SCSI) bus to connect components, which may include:

SCSI devices usually connect to a controller card
like this one.
Basically, SCSI (pronounced "scuzzy") is a fast communications
bus that allows you
to connect multiple devices to your computer. In this edition of
you'll learn about the structure of SCSI and the various specifications and
types, as well as SCSI IDs and termination.
SCSI Basics
SCSI is based on an older, proprietary bus interface called Shugart
Associates System Interface (SASI). SASI was originally developed in
1981 by Shugart Associates in conjunction with NCR Corporation. In 1986, a
modified version of SASI that provided a beefier, open system was ratified
by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as SCSI.
There are several benefits of SCSI:
- It's fast -- up to 160 megabytes per second (MBps).
- It's reliable.
- It allows you to put multiple devices on one bus.
- It works on most computer systems.
There are also some potential problems when using SCSI:
- It must be configured for a specific computer.
- It has limited system
BIOS support.
- Its variations (speeds, connectors) can be bewildering.
- There is no common software interface.

Some computers have a built-in SCSI controller, but
most require an SCSI host-adapter card.
People are often confused by the different types of SCSI. You'll hear
terms such as "Ultra," "Fast" and "Wide" used a lot, and sometimes in
combinations. In the next section, you'll find out about the SCSI
SCSI Types
There are really only three basic specifications of SCSI:
- SCSI-1: The original specification developed in 1986
- SCSI-2: An update that became an official standard in 1994, a
key component of SCSI-2 was the inclusion of the Common Command Set
(CCS) -- the 18 commands considered an absolute necessity for support
of any SCSI device. You also had the option to double the clock speed from
5 MHz (million cycles per second) to 10 MHz (Fast SCSI), double the bus
width from 8 bits to 16 bits and increase the number of devices to 15
(Wide SCSI), or do both (Fast/Wide SCSI). Finally, SCSI-2 added command
queuing, which means that an SCSI-2 device can store a series of
commands from the host computer and determine which ones should be given
- SCSI-3: Quickly on the heels of SCSI-2 came SCSI-3, debuting in
1995. The interesting thing about SCSI-3 is that a series of smaller
standards have been built within its overall scope. Because of this
continually evolving series, SCSI-3 is not considered to be a completely
approved standard. Instead, some of the specifications developed within it
have been officially adopted. These standards are based on variations of
the SCSI Parallel Interface (SPI), which is the way that SCSI
devices communicate with each other. Most SCSI-3 specifications begin with
the term "Ultra" (Ultra for SPI variations, Ultra2 for SPI-2 variations
and Ultra3 for SPI-3 variations). The Fast and Wide designations work just
like their SCSI-2 counterparts, with the Fast designation meaning that the
clock speed is double that of the base version, and the Wide designation
meaning that the bus width is double that of the base.
The chart below shows a comparison of the many SCSI variations:
Name |
Specification |
# of
Devices |
Bus Width |
Bus Speed |
MBps |
SCSI-1 |
8 |
8 bits |
5 MHz |
4 MBps |
SCSI-1 |
8 |
8 bits |
5 MHz |
5 MBps |
SCSI-2 |
16 |
16 bits |
5 MHz |
10 MBps |
SCSI-2 |
8 |
8 bits |
10 MHz |
10 MBps |
SCSI-2 |
16 |
16 bits |
10 MHz |
20 MBps |
8 |
8 bits |
20 MHz |
20 MBps |
8 |
16 bits |
20 MHz |
40 MBps |
SPI-2 |
8 |
8 bits |
40 MHz |
40 MBps |
SPI-2 |
16 |
16 bits |
40 MHz |
80 MBps |
SPI-3 |
16 |
16 bits |
40 MHz |
160 MBps |
You will notice that the third column shows the number of devices that
can be connected on the SCSI bus. In the next section, you'll learn more
about SCSI devices and their IDs.
There are three components in any SCSI system:
The controller is the heart of SCSI. It serves as the interface between
all of the other devices on the SCSI bus and the computer. Also called a
host adapter, the controller can be a card that you plug into an
available slot or it can be built right into the
On the controller is the SCSI
BIOS. This is a
small ROM or
Flash memory
chip that contains the software needed to access and control the devices on
the SCSI bus.
Usually, each device on the SCSI bus has a built-in SCSI adapter that
allows it to interface and communicate with the SCSI bus. For example, an
SCSI hard drive will have a small circuit board that combines a controller
for the drive mechanism and an adapter for the SCSI bus. Devices with an
adapter built in are called embedded SCSI devices.
Each SCSI device must have a unique identifier (ID). As you saw in
the previous section, an SCSI bus can support eight or 16 devices, depending
on the specification. For an eight-device bus, the IDs range from zero to 7,
and for a 16-device bus, they range from zero to 15. One of the IDs,
typically the highest one, has to be used by the SCSI controller, which
leaves you capable of adding seven or 15 other devices.
With most SCSI devices, there is a hardware setting to configure the
device ID. Some devices allow you to set the ID through software, while most
Plug and Play SCSI
cards will auto-select an ID based on what's available. This auto-selection
is called SCSI Configured Automatically (SCAM). It is very important
that each device on an SCSI bus have a unique ID, or you will have problems.

Internal SCSI devices connect to a 50-pin ribbon
All of the variations in the SCSI specifications have added another
wrinkle: There are at least seven different SCSI connectors, some of which
may not be compatible with a particular version of SCSI. The connectors are:
- DB-25 (SCSI-1)
- 50-pin internal ribbon (SCSI-1, SCSI-2, SCSI-3)
- 50-pin Alternative 2 Centronics (SCSI-1)
- 50-pin Alternative 1 high density (SCSI-2)
- 68-pin B-cable high density (SCSI-2)
- 68-pin Alternative 3 (SCSI-3)
- 80-pin Alternative 4 (SCSI-2, SCSI-3)

DB-25 SCSI connector

68-pin Alternative 3 SCSI connector

50-pin Centronics SCSI connector
No matter which version of SCSI you are using, or what type of connector
it has, one thing is consistent -- the SCSI bus has to be terminated.
Termination simply means that each end of the SCSI bus is closed, using a
resistor circuit. If the bus were left open, electrical signals sent
down the bus could reflect back and interfere with communication between
SCSI devices and the SCSI controller. Only two terminators are used, one for
each end of the SCSI bus. If there is only one series of devices (internal
or external), then the SCSI controller is one point of termination and the
last device in the series is the other one. If there are both internal and
external devices, then the last device on each series must be terminated.
Types of SCSI termination can be grouped into two main categories:
passive and active. Passive termination is typically used for SCSI
systems that run at the standard bus clock speed and have a short distance,
less than 3 feet (1 m), between the devices and the SCSI controller.
Active termination is used for Fast SCSI systems or systems with devices
that are more than 3 ft (1 m) from the SCSI controller.

Some SCSI terminators are built into the SCSI device,
while others may require an external terminator like this one.
Another factor in the type of termination is the bus type itself. SCSI
employs three distinct types of bus signaling. Signal ling is the way
that the electrical impulses are sent across the wires.
- Single-ended (SE) - The most common form of signaling for PCs,
single-ended signaling means that the controller generates the signal and
pushes it out to all devices on the bus over a single data line. Each
device acts as a ground. Consequently, the signal quickly begins to
degrade, which limits SE SCSI to a maximum of about 10 ft (3 m).
- High-voltage differential (HVD) - The preferred method of bus
signaling for servers, HVD uses a tandem approach to signaling, with a
data high line and a data low line. Each device on the SCSI bus has a
signal transceiver. When the controller communicates with the device,
devices along the bus receive the signal and retransmit it until it
reaches the target device. This allows for much greater distances between
the controller and the device, up to 80 ft (25 m).
- Low-voltage differential (LVD) - A variation on the HVD
signaling method, LVD works in much the same way. The big difference is
that the transceivers are smaller and built into the SCSI adapter of each
device. This makes LVD SCSI devices more affordable and allows LVD to use
less electricity to communicate. The downside to LVD is that the maximum
distance is half of HVD -- 40 ft (12 m).

An active terminator
Both HVD and LVD normally use passive terminators, even though the
distance between devices and the controller can be much greater than 3 ft (1
m). This is because the transceivers ensure that the signal is strong from
one end of the bus to the other.
SCSI "Network"
SCSI devices inside the computer (internal) attach to the SCSI controller
via a ribbon cable. The ribbon cable has a single connector at each end and
may have one or more connectors along its length. Each internal SCSI device
has a single SCSI connector.

Internal SCSI devices connect to a ribbon cable.
SCSI devices outside the computer (external) attach to the SCSI
controller using a thick, round cable.

External SCSI devices connect using thick, round
You have already read about the different connectors used on these
external cables. The cable itself typically consists of three layers:
- Inner layer - This is the most protected layer. It contains the actual
data being sent.
- Media layer - The middle layer contains the wires that send control
commands to the device.
- Outer layer - This layer includes the wires that carry parity
information, which ensures that the data is correct.
External devices connect to the SCSI bus in a daisy chain, which
refers to the method of connecting each device to the next one in line.
External SCSI devices typically have two SCSI connectors -- one is used to
connect to the previous device in the chain, and the other is used to
connect to the next device in the chain.
A good way to think of SCSI is as a tiny
local area
network (LAN). The SCSI controller is like the network
router, and each
SCSI device is like a computer on the network. The SCSI adapter built into
each device is comparable to the
Ethernet card
in a computer. Without the adapter, the device can't communicate with the
rest of the network. And just as the router in a LAN is used to connect the
network to the outside world, the SCSI controller connects the SCSI network
to the rest of the computer.
For general consumer use, SCSI has not achieved the same mass appeal as
IDE. The expectation
regarding SCSI was that the ability to add a large number of devices would
outweigh the complexity of the interface. But that was before alternative
technologies like
Universal Serial Bus (USB) and
FireWire (IEEE
1394) came into play.
In fact, the only mainstream
desktop computer
standardized on SCSI was the Apple Macintosh, and that was because of a
design mistake. The original Mac was a closed system, which means that there
were no expansion slots or other means to easily add extra components. As
the Mac grew in popularity, users began to clamor for some way to upgrade
their system. Apple decided to add a built-in SCSI controller with an
external SCSI port as a way to enable expansion of the system. Until
recently, virtually every Mac has contained onboard SCSI. But with the rise
of USB and Firewire, Apple has finally removed SCSI as a standard feature on
most of its systems.
Where you commonly see SCSI is on servers and workstation computers. The
main reason for this is RAID. Redundant array of independent disks
(RAID) uses a series of
hard drives to
increase performance, provide fault tolerance or both. The hard drives are
connected together and treated as a single logical entity. Basically, this
means that the computer sees the series of drives as one big drive, which
can be formatted and partitioned just like a normal drive.
Performance is enhanced because of striping, which means that more
than one hard drive can be writing or reading information at the same time.
The SCSI RAID controller determines which drive gets which chunk of data and
sends the appropriate data to the appropriate drive. While that drive is
writing the data, the controller sends another chunk of data to the next
drive or reads a chunk of data from another drive. Simultaneous data
transfers allow for faster performance.
Fault tolerance, the ability to maintain data integrity in the
event of a crash or failure, is achieved in a couple of ways. The first is
called mirroring. Basically, mirroring makes an exact duplicate of
the data stored on one hard drive to a second hard drive. A RAID controller
can be set to automatically send two hard drives the exact same data. To
avoid potential complications, both drives should be exactly the same size.
Mirroring can be an expensive type of fault tolerance since it requires that
you have twice as much storage space as you have data.
The more popular method of fault tolerance is parity. Parity
requires a minimum of three hard drives, but will work with several more.
What happens is that data is written sequentially to each drive in the
series, except the last one. The last drive stores a number that represents
the sum of the data on the other drives. For more information on RAID and
fault tolerance, check out
this page.
Digital video is another prime example of the right time to use SCSI.
Because of the demanding storage and speed requirements of full-motion,
uncompressed video, most video workstations use a SCSI RAID with extremely
fast SCSI hard drives.
As you can see, SCSI is probably going to be around for some time.
Whether it's right for you depends on your needs and applications. Be sure
to check out the links on the next page to learn more about SCSI.