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How FireWire Works

Jeff Tyson
You have probably heard the term
FireWire if you have any interest in digital video -- or maybe you
know it as Sony i.Link or as IEEE 1394, the offical name for
the standard. FireWire is a way to connect different pieces of equipment so
they can easily and quickly share information.
Originally created by Apple and standardized in 1995 as the specification
IEEE 1394 High Performance Serial Bus, FireWire is very similar to
Universal Serial Bus
(USB). The designers of FireWire, which actually precedes the development of
USB, had several particular goals in mind when they created the standard:
- Fast transfer of data (up to 400 Mbps)
- Lots of devices on the bus
- Ease of use
- Hot pluggable
- Provide power through the cable
- Plug-and-play
- Low cabling cost
- Low implementation cost
In this edition of
HowStuffWorks, you will learn exactly what FireWire is, how it is
used and why you want it.
FireWire Basics
When the host computer
powers up, it queries all of the devices connected to the bus and assigns
each one an address, a process called enumeration. FireWire is
plug-and-play, so if a new FireWire device is connected to a computer,
operating system auto-detects it and asks for the driver disk. If the
device has already been installed, the computer activates it and starts
talking to it. FireWire devices are hot pluggable, which means they
can be connected and disconnected at any time, even with the
power on.
FireWire uses 64-bit fixed addressing, based on the
IEEE 1212 standard. There are three parts to each packet of information
sent by a device over FireWire:
- A 10-bit bus ID that is used to determine which FireWire bus
the data came from
- A 6-bit physical ID that identifies which device on the bus
sent the data
- A 48-bit storage area that is capable of addressing 256
terabytes of
information for each node!
The bus ID and physical ID together comprise the 16-bit node ID,
which allows for 64,000 nodes on a system. Individual FireWire cables can
run as long as 4.5 meters. Data can be sent through up to 16 hops for
a total maximum distance of 72 meters. Hops occur when devices are
daisy-chained together. Look at the example below. The
camcorder is
connected to the external
hard drive
connected to Computer A. Computer A is connected to Computer B, which in
turn is connected to Computer C. It takes four hops for Computer C to access
the camera.

FireWire devices can be powered or unpowered. FireWire allows
devices to draw their power from their connection. Two power conductors in
the cable can supply power (8 to 40 volts, 1.5 amps maximum) from the
computer to an unpowered device. Obviously, a high-power device like an
external hard drive will have its own power supply, but low-power devices
like digital
still cameras can get their power from the bus in order to simplify
them. Two twisted pair sets carry the data in a FireWire cable.
In the next section, we'll discuss the differences between FireWire and
FireWire vs. USB
The key difference between FireWire and
USB is that FireWire
is intended for devices working with a lot more data -- things like
DVD players and
digital audio equipment. FireWire and USB share a number of characteristics
and differ in some important ways.
Here's a summary:
As you can see, the two are remarkably alike. Implementing FireWire costs
a little more than USB, which led to the adoption of USB as the standard for
connecting most peripherals that do not require a high-speed bus.
USB 2.0, released in 2001 and becoming popular in 2002, is
designed to offer performance similar to FireWire. USB 2.0 has a maximum
data rate of 480 Mbps. Given that their speeds are now roughly
identical, the big difference remaining between FireWire and USB 2.0 is that
USB 2.0 is host-based, meaning that devices must connect to a
computer in order to communicate. FireWire is peer-to-peer, meaning
that two FireWire cameras can talk to each other without going through a
Of course, FireWire has an answer to USB 2.0 in its upcoming IEEE 1394b,
which will up the ante with transfer speeds starting at 800 Mbps and
predicted to reach an unbelievable 3.2 gigabits per second when the current
copper FireWire cables are replaced with
fiber optics.
For more information, check out
About 1394b Technology from the 1394 Trade Association.
Digital Video
FireWire really shines when it comes to digital video applications. Most
digital video cameras or
camcorders now
have a FireWire plug. When you attach a camcorder to a computer using
FireWire, the connection is amazing!
An important element of FireWire is the support of isochronous
devices. In isochronous mode, data streams between the device and the host
in real-time with guaranteed bandwidth and no error correction. Essentially,
this means that a device like a digital camcorder can request that the host
computer allocate enough bandwidth for the camcorder to send uncompressed
video in real-time to the computer. When the computer/camera FireWire
connection enters isochronous mode, the camera can send the video in a
steady flow to the computer without anything disrupting the process.
You can easily edit and create custom video projects using fast
hard drives, a
digital camcorder and a computer. With the right software, the computer and
the camera communicate, and the computer can download all of the video
automatically and with perfect digital clarity. Since the content is digital
from start to finish, there is no loss of quality as you work on successive
For more information on FireWire and related topics, check out the links
on the next page! |
What Is 1394?
The IEEE-1394 High
Performance Serial Bus is a versatile, high-speed, and low-cost method of
interconnecting a variety of personal computer peripherals and consumer
electronics devices. The IEEE-1394 bus began life in 1986 as Apple Computer's
alternative to the tangle of cables required to connect printers, modems,
external fixed-disk drives, scanners, and other peripherals to PCs. The proposed
standard (P1394) derived from Apple's original FireWire design, was accepted as
an industry standard at the December 12, 1995 meeting of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standards Board. The official name
is IEEE 1394-1995 Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus. The 1394
Trade Association was formed in 1994 to accelerate adoption of the Bus by
personal computer and consumer electronic manufacturers. The 1394 Trade
association has dubbed IEEE-1394 the MultiMedia Connection. Adaptec has
licensed Apple's FireWire technology, trademark, and logo; FireWire is used
interchangeably with IEEE-1394 in these pages.
The primary advantages of FireWire over other current and proposed serial
buses are:
- Versatility: FireWire provides a direct digital link between up to
63 devices without the need for additional hardware, such as hubs. Digital
Video (DV) camcorders, scanners, printers, videoconferencing cameras, and
fixed-disk drives all share a common bus connection not only to an optional
PC, but to each other as well. FireWire is a candidate for the "Home Network"
standard initiated by VESA (Video Electronic Standards Association) and other
industry associations.
- High speed: The present implementation of IEEE-1394 delivers 100
Mbps (Megabits per second) or 200 Mbps of data (payload) and control signals
(overhead). Future versions that support 400 Mbps are in the development
stage, and a 1.2 Gbps (Gigabits per second) version of IEEE-1394 has been
proposed. Isochronous
data transmission lets even the lowest-speed implementation support two
simultaneous channels of full-motion (30-frame-per-second), "broadcast
quality" video and CD-grade stereo audio.
- Low cost: The cost of the integrated circuits and connectors to
implement FireWire is often less than the cost of the connectors and circuitry
it replaces. FireWire uses a flexible, six-conductor cable and connectors
derived from Nintendo's Gameboy to interconnect devices. (A four-conductor
version of the standard cable is used to interconnect consumer audio/video
components.) Use of FireWire for consumer electronics gear, such as camcorders
and VCRs, will provide the high-volume market needed to achieve low-cost
implementation of FireWire on PCI adapter cards and PC motherboards.
Ease of installation and use: FireWire extends Plug and Play
features far beyond the confines of the personal computer. When you add a new
device, FireWire automatically recognizes the device; similarly, on disconnect
FireWire automatically reconfigures itself. The standard FireWire cable
provides up to 1.5 amps of DC power to keep remote devices "alive" even when
they're powered down. You don't need a computer to take advantage of FireWire;
as an example, a VCR can act as a FireWire controller for camcorders, TV sets,
receiver/amplifiers, and other home theater components.
FireWire i1394
What is IEEE 1394?
IEEE 1394 is an
industry standard
for a scalable,
flexible, easy to
use, low-cost
digital interface
that integrates the
worlds of consumer
electronics and
personal computers.
It was first
conceived by Apple
Computer and then
developed by the
1394 Working Group
within the Institute
of Electrical and
Engineers (IEEE).
The IEEE 1394
standard defines its
interface as:
1394 does not
require the
conversion of
digital data into
analog. That means
better signal
small. 1394
provides a thin
serial cable which
replaces today's
bulky and expensive
Easy to use.
1394 eliminates the
need to load
software or perform
complicated set-ups.
Hot pluggable.
1394 enables devices
to be added and
removed while
equipment is turned
on and does not
require computers to
be "rebooted."
1394 supports
multiple speeds
including devices
operating at 100,
200 and 400 Megabits
per second on a
single continuous
cable or "bus."
1394 supports
freeform daisy
chaining and
branching, which
reduces cabling
complexity and
connections the
ability for consumer
electronic devices
to be connected
without the need for
a computer.
Fast. 1394
supports guaranteed
delivery of time
critical data which
enables high-quality
audio and video
applications while
reducing the cost of
the interface.
Does 1394 have a
formal name?
The name
FireWire, which was
coined by Apple, is
still used by them
and a few other
Others have adopted
the name i.LINK,
which is trademarked
by Sony Corporation.
The name 1394
actually comes from
the IEEE 1394
specification which
defines the
characteristics of
the interface.
Why another
Several key
trends have led to
the need for a new
digital interface:
electronics and
computers are
There is a desire
to keep data in the
digital domain for
as long as possible,
as a means to reduce
system cost,
complexity and to
improve signal
With the emergence
of multimedia, more
and more data is
video and audio. The
ability to work with
this time-sensitive
data is growing in
Miniaturization is
continuing. Small
products are favored
for portability,
convenience and
material resource
The predominance
of PCs in the home
has led to consumers
purchasing computers
the way they choose
electronics. Their
criteria are:
convenience and
The need and
desire for
computing is
growing. For
example, this would
include the ability
to connect a digital
camera directly to a
printer to print
photographs. 1394
does not require the
use of a computer.
What will 1394
1394 is already
the computer
attachment for
digital cameras and
digital video
applications. IEEE
1394 has been
accepted as the
standard digital
interface by the
Digital VCR
Conference (DVC),
and the European
Digital Video
Broadcasters (DVB)
have endorsed IEEE
1394 as their
digital television
interface as well.
The VESA (Video
Experts Standards
Association) is
evaluating IEEE 1394
for digital home
networks. But this
is just the
beginning. Many new
non-video products
are already
including PCs,
digital still
cameras, printers,
network hubs and
storage devices.
What kind of
products can talk to
each other over
1394 is for
connecting digital
electronic devices.
It will not work
with your existing
analog equipment
(for example, your
old VHS VCR, Hi8
camcorder or TV).
Rather, digital
devices include DV
camcorders and VCRs,
digital still
cameras, digital
set-top boxes,
digital TV sets and
many computer
peripheral devices
that have a 1394
What if my
computer does not
already have a 1394
No problem.
Several companies
offer relatively
inexpensive 1394
adapters, also
referred to as 1394
"add-on" or
"adapter" cards.
These cards are
actually printed
circuit boards that
can be easily
inserted into a slot
(usually a PCI slot)
inside your
computer. The cards
include one or more
1394 connectors and,
once inserted,
enable your computer
to communicate with
consumer electronic
and peripheral
Can I connect and
disconnect 1394
devices without
turning the power
Yes. 1394 is
"hot pluggable."
That means when you
plug in a new
device, the 1394
"bus" automatically
recognizes it.
Similarly, when a
device is
disconnected, 1394
reconfigures itself.
In fact, the
standard 1394 cable
provides up to 1.5
amps of DC power to
keep remote devices
"aware," even when
they are turned off.
Do I need a
computer to make
1394 work?
No. You do not
need a computer to
take advantage of
1394. A 1394-enabled
VCR, for example,
can be connected
directly to a
camcorder, TV set,
stereo receiver,
amplifier or other
home theater
component without
the need for a
Why is 1394 good
for video editing?
In the world of
video editing,
1394-enabled cameras
remove the need for
converters and frame
buffers, otherwise
known as "video
capture" cards. 1394
also improves upon
existing interfaces
such as SCSI,
traditionally used
for the storage of
digital video. 1394
provides higher
speed, lower cost,
and is more
user-friendly than
existing video
What about
peripherals, like my
1394 has the
bandwidth capacity
to replace and
consolidate most
other peripheral
methods in use
today. Hot plugging,
power sourcing and
reconfiguration make
1394 a user-friendly
alternative to
interconnects. These
features allow
"plugging in" of
computer peripherals
as easily as
plugging in a home
appliance. In fact,
manufacturers of
SCSI products, such
as scanners,
CD-ROMs, disk drives
and printers are
already evaluating
when they will move
to 1394.
What is the
difference between
1394 and Universal
Serial Bus (USB)?
Almost everyone
who works with these
considers 1394 a
complement to USB,
since it offers much
higher speeds (up to
1.2 Gigabit) and was
designed primarily
transfer in mind.
USB is ideal for,
and was designed
for, computer
peripherals at
speeds in the
neighborhood of
Mbps (in fact, USB
requires a
computer). 1394, on
the other hand, has
a different mission:
to be an interface
for both consumer
electronic devices
and computers. Many
new PCs now include
ports for both of
these standards.
is FireWireฎ?
FireWire is an
Apple trademark for
the IEEE 1394
is i.LINKฎ?
i.LINK is a Sony
trademark for the
IEEE 1394 standard.
What is the
future of 1394?
1394 has the
potential to
transform the
consumer electronics
and computer
industries by making
a vast array of new
possible. Once an
electronic device
1394-enabled, it can
share data with
other devices and be
controlled by a
computer. If the
computer is
connected to the
Internet, that
control is extended
to locations
Let's say you forgot
to program your VCR
to record a show
while you're at
work. No problem.
Because your VCR is
digital and
connected to your
home network through
its 1394 jack, you
can access it over
the Internet and
program it from your
PC at work. In fact,
1394 will make it
possible to do
things like backup
your computer files
to the digital tape
in your VCR.
Hey, what's going on
at home? Here's
another one. Your
home-security system
includes miniature
video cameras and
audio surveillance
equipment. So you
can see and hear
exactly what's going
on in and around
your house from your
home computer, your
digital TV monitors,
your office
computer, your
wireless handheld
computer - well,
just about anywhere.
And while you're out
to dinner, it will
also provide a great
baby monitor to drop
in on the sitter and
kids right from your
table (using your
wireless palm PC).
Capture the special
moments (and scrap
the rest). Everyone
wants to capture
those special,
cherished moments in
their lives so they
can recall them
later. But not
everyone wants to
pay for the high
cost of film and
Especially when out
of 20 or 32
exposures, you might
get a dozen really
good pictures.
Todays high-quality
printers, let you
print only the
pictures you want to
keep. And there's no
waiting, no film to
buy and no
development cost.
Better yet, you can
print from any
1394-enabled still
camera or video
Keeping up around
the house. It's
conceivable that
someday, a 1394
network in your home
will let you run
just about
everything by
remote. Did it turn
out to be a hot day?
Just turn on your
home's central air
system from your car
before you arrive
and keep your cool.
It's a stretch, but
someday you might
even be able to tell
if the clothes in
your drier are dry
and start the
machine again from
your palm-top, your
dash-top or the
Why was 1394
was designed to be a
global interconnect,
eliminating the need
for many different
connectors. The
resulting port
integration and
consolidation of
circuit board space
results in an
overall reduction in
product cost and
complexity. The 1394
bus is a versatile,
high-speed and
inexpensive method
of interconnecting a
variety of consumer
electronics devices
and personal
computers, while
eliminating the
frustrating tangle
of cables most users
encounter today.
many devices can be
connected with 1394?
1394 you can connect
up to 63 devices
together. When
1394.1 bus bridges
become available, it
will be possible to
connect over 60,000
devices using 1394.
Digital camcorders,
surround sound
scanners, printers,
hard disk audio
cameras and disk
drives all share a
common bus
connection, not only
to an optional host
computer, but to
each other as well.
Because of this,
1394 is a prime
candidate for the
"Home Network"
standard initiated
by VESA (Video
Electronic Standards
Association) and
other industry
How fast is 1394?
The 1394
standard defines
three signaling
rates which, in
precise terms, are:
98.304, 196.608 and
393.216 Mbits/s
(megabits per
second). These rates
are referred to in
the 1394 standard as
S100, S200 and S400.
There are efforts
underway to expand
the standard to
include 800 and
1,200 Mbits/s
speeds. You can mix
and match devices of
different speeds on
the same bus. Using
"isochronous" data
transmission, even
the S100
supports two
channels of 30fps
(frames per second)
video along with
stereo audio.
What software do
I need?
All modern
personal computer
operating systems
already support
1394, including
Windows 98, Windows
2000, Mac OS 8.6,
and Mac OS 9.0.
Can I connect and
disconnect devices
without turning the
power off?
Yes. 1394 is
defined as "hot
pluggable." That
means when you add a
new device, the 1394
bus automatically
recognizes it.
Similarly, when a
device is
disconnected, the
bus automatically
reconfigures itself.
The standard 1394
cable provides up to
1.5 amps of DC power
to keep remote
devices "aware,"
even when they are
powered down.
Do I need a
computer on the 1394
bus to make it work?
No. You do not
need a computer to
take advantage of
1394. A VCR, for
example, can act as
a 1394 bus
controller for
camcorders, TV sets,
stereo receivers,
amplifiers and other
home theater
How does 1394
compare to SCSI?
The SCSI bus
requires that
devices be serially
together, with each
device having a
pre-assigned address
and that the final
SCSI device be
terminated. There is
a limit of seven
devices on a SCSI
chain. In contrast,
1394 devices can be
connected in
These can include a
star or tree pattern
with its own daisy
chain branches.
Device terminators
are not required.
And 1394 addressing,
unlike SCSI, is done
dynamically; there
is no need for
Plus, 1394 allows up
to 1,023 buses to be
bridged together.
How does 1394
compare to Ethernet?
1394 multiplexes
(combines) a variety
of different types
of digital signals,
including video,
audio, MIDI and
device control
commands, on two
conductors (similar
to that of 10base-T
Ethernet). This
ability to easily
multiplex or combine
different signal
types distinguishes
1394 from other
systems which
transmit only a
single signal type.
Ethernet, for
example, is
typically used in
data networks and
requires special
protocols (presently
implemented only in
networking systems)
to transmit
high-quality audio
and video.
In comparison, 1394
is much more
flexible in its
accommodation of
different data types
and topologies than
Ethernet and other
networking systems.
1394 uses a
arbitration approach
to assure that all
devices that have
information to
transmit get a
chance to use the
bus. 1394 protocols
also include
commands to start
and stop camcorders,
VCRs and other
tasks. Standard
Ethernet does not
provide these
important features.
What does a 1394
cable look like?
interconnections are
usually made with a
6-conductor cable
that contains two
separately shielded
"twisted" pairs for
transmitting data,
plus two power
conductors and an
overall external
shield. The two
twisted pairs create
a transmit/receive
connection. The
power conductors (8
to 30VDC, 1.5A)
supply power to some
Some devices, such
as most digital
camcorders, use a
smaller 4-pin
connector to save
space. You can buy a
1394 cable with the
6-pin connector on
one end, and the
4-pin connector on
the other end in
order to connect
these devices.
Why do most DV
camcorders have
4-pin 1394
Sony camcorders
have only a single
4-pin 1394
connector. It is
smaller than the
standard 1394
connector and has
only the data
signaling pairs (no
power conductors).
The 4-pin 1394
connector is a part
of the 1394 standard
intended primarily
for battery-powered
What about the
4.5-meter cable
length limitation?
1394 cables are
limited to 4.5
meters between
devices before
signal distortion
begins to occur. The
use of 1394 to
implement home
networks will
require cable hops
likely to exceed 10
meters. Restricting
the speed of the bus
to S200 enables an
increase in the
distance between
nodes to about 14
(approximately 45
feet). 1394
transceivers have
been announced that
are powered by
in-wall wiring and
extend the distance
between active nodes
to at least 70
meters using plastic
optical fiber (POF).
is a 1394 card?
1394 card (or 1394
expansion card,
board, or adapter)
is add-on circuitry
designed to provide
1394 capabilities to
a computer that did
not originally come
with 1394. It
consists of a
standard-size rigid
material (fiberboard
or something
similar) that plugs
into one of the
computer's expansion
slots in its
motherboard (also
called the
What does
peer-to-peer mean?
1394 is a
interface. This
allows dubbing from
one camcorder to
another without the
need for a computer.
Or, for example, you
can stream A/V data
off a hard disk in
real time, without
computer assistance.
It also allows
multiple computers
to share a given
peripheral without
any special support
in the peripheral or
the computers. It's
another important
reason why 1394 is
the digital
interface of choice
and why its
acceptance is
What is a 1394
You can think of
a bus as a linear
electronic path on
which several
devices share
information. As you
connect 1394 devices
using a common
series of cables,
you are connecting
them to the 1394
bus. (While this
kind of bus can
actually take you to
work in a manner
of speaking it
does not require
four wheels.)
What is a
A backplane is
an electronic
circuit board
containing circuitry
and sockets into
which additional
electronic devices
on other circuit
boards or cards can
be plugged. In a
computer, it is
generally synonymous
with, or part of,
the motherboard.
What's the
difference between
DV and 1394?
DV is the actual
format of the video
that comes out of
your digital video
camera. It's a super
format that exceeds
the quality of
S-VHS. It even has
many broadcast
thinking about
scrapping their
BetaCam equipment.
The images are
crisp, bright and
have excellent depth
and contrast. Best
of all, the
information is
stored on the video
tape in digital
form, so it can be
copied over and over
without any loss.
1394 is the jack and
protocol that lets
you transfer the DV
data to your
computer. The full
1394 specification
device control and
the ability to read
and write the
digital video.
What's the
difference between
DV video over 1394,
and video captured
using a video
capture card?
Most of the
video capture cards
on the market use
MJPEG compression.
The less you
compress the video,
the better it looks,
but the higher the
sustained data rate
you need. At
compression under
6:1 (over 3000
kilobytes/sec) most
people will think
the video looks as
good as the
original, but in
reality, it will be
slightly lower
quality. The video
will have very
slight artifacts and
image loss.
In contrast, the DV
spec is a 720x480
image size, at
roughly a 5:1
compression. More
accurately, it is
compressed at a
constant throughput
of 3,600 kilobytes
per second which
averages out to 5:1
Quality in. Quality
out. What makes DV
so special is that
when you capture DV
footage to your hard
drive via 1394, the
DV video on your
hard drive is an
exact digital copy
of the original
footage. There is no
loss. Every 1394
card delivers the
exact same DV-quality
output. When
choosing a 1394
card, there is no
video quality debate
regardless of the
CODEC (compression
method) used.
What does daisy
chain mean?
Daisy chaining
is a wiring scheme
in which one device
is wired to another
which is wired to
another which is
wired to another,
with the signal
passed on from
device to device.
For example, device
A is wired to device
B, device B is wired
to device C, etc.
All devices wired
together in this way
can receive
identical signals
or, in contrast to a
simple bus, each
device in the chain
may modify one or
more signals before
passing them on.
1394 enables the
daisy chaining of up
to 64 devices which
greatly reduces
cabling complexity.
What is hot
Hot swapping is
the connection and
disconnection of
computer peripherals
or other components
while a system is
turned on, without
interrupting system
operation. 1394
enables hot
What does
isochronous mean?
Isochronous data
guarantees a certain
minimum data rate,
such as required for
time-dependent data
such as video or
audio. Think about
it. Video and audio
occur in continuous
streams. If there is
a break in the
signal for just a
moment, the quality
of the picture or
sound suffers. 1394
is designed to
inherently provide
isochronous service
as required for
audio and video
What is the IEEE-
Institute of
Electrical and
IEEE is the
world's largest
society, based in
the USA. Founded in
1884 by a handful of
practitioners of the
new electrical
discipline, today's
Institute has more
than 320,000 members
who participate in
its activities in
147 countries. The
IEEE sponsors
symposia and local
meetings worldwide,
publishes nearly 25%
of the world's
technical papers in
electronics, and
computer engineering
and computer
science, provides
educational programs
for its members and
Areas covered
include aerospace,
computers and
technology, electric
power and consumer
is the 1394 Trade
1394 Trade
Association was
formed in 1994 to
facilitate adoption
of 1394 by consumer
electronics and
personal computer
manufacturers. The
1394 Trade
Association refers
to IEEE 1394 as "The