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Advertising Dictionary

1-by-1 GIF: Invisible GIF - A tiny GIF file made up of one transparent pixel that is commonly used to track someone's activity on a site.

Acquistion: A visitor commits a desriable action after clicking on the banner ad is an acquisition.

Ad flag: A banner that contains a text headline or lines of text.

Affiliate: The publisher, webmaster, or salesperson in an affiliate marketing relationship, such as LinkShare and Commission Junction.

Autoclose: A banner that automatically closes within a certain time period after it was launched.

Badge: A banner dimension type, usually used to refer to 125 x 125 pixels size or 120 x 60 pixels size.

Banner: An advertisement in the form of a graphic image, usually .gif, that is placed on a Web page or email either in a margin or other space for adverting.

Banner Advertising: The placement of a advertisement in a prominent position of a web page in the hope that interested viewers will click on it and visit the advertiser's website.

Banner Blocking: A software option to either view or not view banners on web sites.

Banner burnout: The decreasing of a banners clickthrough rate over time.

Banner Exchange: The displaying of a banner advertisement on a webpage in exchange for your banner advertisement being displayed on another web page.

Banner Rotation: Displaying different banner adverts in a predefined or random order.

Bridge Page: Splash Page - On AOL you may see this page between a banner advertisement and an advertiser's Web site providing product information and links.

Clickthrough: Pay Per Click - The method of charging for advertising based on the resulting number of clicks on an advertisement that you may click on to view a site. The advertiser is charged each time someone clicks through to the advertisement, therefore called clickthrough.

Clickthrough Rate: CTR - The percentage of times that viewers of a Web page click on a given banner ad, causing a request for the advertiser's Web site to be transmitted to the viewer.

Counter: A counter counts hits or page views to a web site. Counter quality and features can vary widely. Most common are image tag counters that are activated when anyone views a page with graphics enabled.

CPC: Cost per click - The cost of one click on a listing, keyword, banner or similar item for which you would pay each time someone selects/clicks.

CPM: Cost Per Thousand - The acronym CPM is used an industry standard measure for selling advertising on Web sites. The origin is from print media advertising. The M is from the Roman numeral for thousand.

Database marketing: Targeting the database of relevant prospects in your marketing campaign.

E-mail Marketing: Targeting prospective customers through sending emails soliciting a response.

Exit page: A page that opens when you leave a page caused by code within the prior page visited; an increasingly common form of advertising.

Exposure: A single time a banner is viewed. Known also as Impressions.

Full banner: A banner 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels tall.

General rotation: The random display of a banner on a site, also know as run of site.

Half banner: A banner 234 pixels wide by 60 pixels tall.

Hit: Web site owners and webmasters referrer to a HIT as a request for documents only, while system administrators who are chiefly concerned about server performance, refer to it as any file request. Literally, it is a request for a file on a web server. Most often these can be graphic files and documents.

Impression: The number of times an advertisement, such as a banner ad on a site, is viewed.

Invisible GIF: 1-by-1 GIF - A tiny GIF file made up of one transparent pixel that is commonly used to track someone's activity on a site.

Junk mail: Unsolicited e-mail, usually selling a product.

Keyword Phrase: Refers to two or more keywords combined to form a search query.

Keywords by RealNames: They provide a global addressing system that allows people to navigate the Web using common names in their own language and character sets. Keywords simplify Web navigation and are fast becoming the powerful new way to go directly to a specific page on the Internet. A complement to domain names, Keywords consist of names and brands without the www's, dashes, symbols and dot-whatever extensions of URLs.

Micro button: A very small banner, measuring only 88 pixels wide by 33 pixels tall.

No More Hits: A start page online marketing service that drives LOTS of traffic to your site. Click on the banner for more information.

Pay per click: The method of charging for advertising based on the resulting number of clicks on an advertisement that you may click on to view a site. The advertiser is charged each time someone clicks on the advertisement, therefore called pay per click.

Positioning: In the context of search engines, it is the position that a sites entry is display in any search engine query.

Ranking: In the context of search engines, it is the position that a sites entry is displayed in a search engine query results.

RealNames Keyword: They provide a global addressing system that allows people to navigate the Web using common names in their own language and character sets. Keywords simplify Web navigation and are fast becoming the powerful new way to go directly to a specific page on the Internet. A complement to domain names, Keywords consist of names and brands without the www's, dashes, symbols and dot-whatever extensions of URLs.

Referrer: The address (URL) of the web page a user came from, before entering another site. Each time a user clicks (selects) a new HTML link on a web page, most browsers report a "HTTP-REFERER" string to the new site. Web hosts can record these "referrer strings" in a log file for usage by a web site.

Resubmission: The process of resubmitting a web page or web site to a search engine or directory. It is often done to update a listing because of content changes, the page has moved, or the page has been removed.

Results Page: A page at a search engine that displays the results of searches. After you type in a search query, the page that is displayed, is call the results page.

Rich Media advertising: The utilization of a creative format of a highly interactive experience, even through a TV style medium using audio and video to communicate a message via email or positioned online advertising. It requires large bandwidth to view, is expensive, and not available to the general user to view in most cases.

RON: Run of Network - The freedom for a banner to be placed anywhere on all participating sites in a network, and not just on a single web site.

ROS: Run of site - the freedom for a banner to be placed anywhere on a site not just a specific page or position on a page.

Run of network: RON - The freedom for a banner to be placed anywhere on all participating sites in a network, and not just on a single web site.

Run of site: ROS - The freedom for a banner to be placed anywhere on a site not just a specific page or position on a page.

Search Engine: A program designed to search a database. In the context of the Internet this refers to a web site that contains a database of information from other web sites. Directories of sites are not search engines (such as Yahoo).

Site Submission: Service that submit your URL and site information to many different indexes and search engines.

Static banner: A banner that is not animated or include frames, a still graphic.

Static Rotation: Advertisements that change when a user opens the screen no matter how long a user stays on that particular screen the advertisement will be the same until the screen is either refreshed or closed and opened again.

Superstitial: An online advertisement that pops up after you leave a site.

Theme Engine: A theme engine is a search engine that indexes entire sites as one giant page. They then use only the most relevant keywords found to determine your sites theme. By determining a theme search engines hope to return more accurate results.

Tooter: The name of the cute little submission daemon that goes around the net submitting your URL to all the different sites. It toots your horn for you.

Traffic Exchange: A program to generate traffic volume to a website by joining a network of sites. Click on the banner below for more information on an example.

Virtual Marketing: Distributing a marketing message using members of your target audience to distribute it to potential customers such as having them forward an email newsletters/ezine.

Voken: A virtual token - A type of online advertising to generate brand or name recognition rather than clickthroughs. Often a form of rich media that could float, move, flash, pop up, or move down the side of the window so as to get the attention of the viewer to build brand identity/recognition. Direct mail for the Internet.

Web Ring: A group of web sites with a similar theme who all display a hyperlinks (usually near the bottom of a page) which allow visitors to go to other sites in the group.


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